January 15, 2015

1944. A Most Secret Memorandum Before Normandy

On His Majesty's Service

This is a note Bill Downs received on May 3, 1944 marked "most secret":

On His Majesty's Service


(Tel: KENsington 4891. Ext. 4.)

W. Downs
49, Hallam Street LONDON.

3rd May, 1944.

Dear Downs:

Will you please report to the above address at 2000 hours on Monday May 8th, as I have an assignment for you.

You should report in uniform, with your full Field equipment properly labelled.

Your personal baggage, to last you one week, should be kept separate from the rest of your kit. For your personal information only, you will be away for approximately one week, but you should not make engagements for the period following your probably return.

The necessity for complete security for complete security in connection with such visits, you will appreciate, cannot be over-stressed. On no account should you discuss your movements with anybody outside this Headquarters.

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter by telephone quoting the above reference (PRS/64/12) to me as soon as possible.

Yours Sincerely,

Lt. Colonel
HQ 21st Army Group

Will you please have your dinner before reporting.